Thursday, December 28, 2006

Love - my baby and my honey

On the day to day with my honey - it's still a lot of fawning, but he really has gotten better with adding the more adult physical stuff (e.g., when he is hugging me, he'll throw in a grope). We spend a lot of time in fantasy world talking about what kind of house we want, what we'll do when we're alone, or when the kids are grown and out of our way, etc. I'm able to talk about my issues, but I'm very matter of fact about them, rather than emotionally spilling out...however, from time to time, I have cried to him - over my weight or frustrations with my daughter, anxieties over every doctor's visit. And he has gotten a million times better at listening and reassuring rather than trying to fix things or trying to pretend like problems don't exist, i.e. my health. He also pushed the ex for us to get alone time, and I think that made the world of difference...when we actually at least a night for 2-3 weeks in a row, that's when I really fell in love. No days/nights free from kids means no intimacy - physical or emotional.

I remember being with him while he was on the phone with the ex and she was frantic about something - and apparently his daughter must've bugged her at that same moment, so the ex yelled at her. He hung up and was very upset that she had yelled at his daughter, that he hates when she yells at her. I'm thinking "Hello, I yell at my daughter several times a day...better not tell him I kicked that hole in the wall while screaming at her."
ome, and it's enough for me.

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