Saturday, June 07, 2008

Natural-ish - Bioidentical Hormones, Here We Come

So maybe I should've mentioned that I was thinking my "I hate everything" attitude might be attributed to hormonal imbalances.

Over a year ago, I told my doctor that I was concerned by all the negative things I'd been reading about hormone replacement therapy, having been on it for over six years. I inquired about something more natural, as I'd been advised by my fiance's uncle, a homeopathic professional. Dr. C told me a little bit about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, but not much. He referred me on to an OBGYN that was working with bioidentical hormones.

Due to a lack of time or maybe a lack of desire to take more time out of work to go to one more doctor's appointment, I blew it off for over a year.

Then, I was venting to a friend at work and expressed "I just don't feel any joy in my life." She responded that she felt the same way, after her hysterectomy.

Now picture me with a great big giant hand slapping me in the forehead. With the other symptoms telling me that the old hormone replacement therapy wasn't quite working like it used to, it's a good possibility that my lack of joy and emotional spillage stems from homonal issues.

Yada yada yada, on Thursday I met with the OBGYN, and Friday morning I picked up the bioidentical hormone replacement cream from the compounding pharmacist. The doctor said to wait until after the weekend, when I felt more symptoms, so I can feel the difference. I've got the hot flashes at work now, but I'm not sure it's strong enough. Either way, I'll start the cream on Monday and hope for the best.

I met with the doctor on Thursday

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Moving Foward

So I acknowledge that I've been in a funk. What kind of funk, you ask? The kind where everything sucks. You hate everybody you talk to ("except you, of course" must always be included in your conversation if you ever convey this out loud to someone) and you hate everything you have to do in your life. You hate when something doesn't go your way, and you hate when something good happens to someone bad.

Not you...I. I hate all that. Well, I have been hating all that.

Now, I'm trying to move forward; trying to push myself to be more positive. Well, not "more" positive. Just positive.

I'm not uber-trying or playing "The Secret" in my life. I just have been giving myself little reminders to "take it back" when I have a negative thought. So maybe not so much trying to be positive as I'm trying not to be so negative.

Deep thoughts, eh?

More to come...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Back to life

Forgive me father, it's been almost one year since my last blog post.

My mind constantly spins with random racing thoughts of where I am and where I should be; what I'm doing and what I could be doing; and how do I get where I should be to be doing what I could be doing?

Doesn't this kind of remind you of that speech from "Say Anything," when Diane's father asks John Cusack's character, Lloyd Dobbler, what he wants to do after school. Lloyd tells him "I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that."

I feel the same way.

But seriously, folks...when you're not happy with what you do everyday, yet not quite sure what would make you happy outside of winning the lottery, what's the best plan of action to take? Blogging, of course!

So here I am, bringing this blog back to life. Yeah, there's some older stuff that is irrelevant to where I'm going now, but I didn't feel like starting a whole new blog. Dearest reader, don't bother moving's boring and counteractive to my point. Moving forward, that's the point.