Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 4 Chocolate-Free, Day 2 Secret Society

Today is my fourth day that I am not eating chocolate...not that there's anything wrong with it. But, I'm free and don't need to be eating chocolate to make it through the day. Notice how I snuck a bit of The Secret in there.

After bashing the CDs, I'm doing it. I'm reprogramming my subconscious to follow along with my conscious decision to affirm that I'm a smart, beautiful, talented, rich woman with great entrepreneurial spirit, amassing my fortunes while the pounds melt away, since I have such a strong metabolism and am a dedicated health-conscious gymrat who loves drinking lots of water and eating high fiber, low fat, sugar free nutrious meals.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Holy Cannoli - My Early Review of The Secret

I'm on the second CD of the 4-CD set of The Secret on Audio. I have no idea how this can last for four whole CDs, when they're just saying the same thing over and over. This woman has proved her theory, though. She convinced herself she could make millions and generate a worldwide following with this "secret" of using the laws of attraction to get what she wanted...and she did. Listen, watch, read...and pay attention. All she does is repeat the same idea over and over; and isn't even creative about the way she phrases herself.

Here's the big secret think about it, believe it is right now (not that it will be later, but it is today) and it comes true. Want to be rich, tell yourself you're rich. Want to have a perfect body? Picture you in a perfect body, tell yourself you have a perfect body and you will attract a perfect body. Want to meet your mate? Believe the right mate is out there and he is on his way to you, and he'll appear.

I won't go on, I'll keep listening...I believe this works. I am brilliant, rich, gorgeous, satisfied, in love, happy, thin and having a great time.