Sunday, September 12, 2004

I danced today at the market
while singing the words of the song
My daughter was completely mortified
as I had brought her along

"Baby," I said, "don't you worry"
"no one really cares what I do"
"Listen, carefully" I say to her
"there's someone else singing too"

"But Mommy," she moans, so embarrassed
while I continue to dance
Laughing, I encourage her to join me
to just give the moment a chance

Unfortunately, the song ends,
and she gives me one of her grins
Then starts belting out the words,
to the new song that now begins
What's in your heart today?

My heart was filled with my daughter, for most of the day. I had been so angry, last night, at her father. Today, I woke up with excitement to have her with me for the day. Despite my getting her back due to her needing to see a doctor, I still planned our day together.

Karla kept asking me "why are you looking at her like that?" while we were at lunch. "What are you looking at?" she asked again. "My daughter is beautiful," I told her. My heart was filled with love today, and pleasure.

When I have her during the week, there's no time to enjoy her. There's rushing her around in the morning, getting her ready for school. There's work and dinner and homework and before you know it, bedtime. Her dad gets the relaxation and playtime on the weekend. He gets to forget the rules and just enjoy her. Today was my turn.