Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Untitled Nonsense - Dedicated to Gayle, My One Loyal Reader

So how does one get their sense of humor back?

I used to pride myself on being funny. Now, I wasn't the funniest in the bunch. Over the years, I came across plenty of folks funnier than I am, but still I knew I had a great sense of humor and was good at making people laugh.

I just don't feel like the funny girl anymore. Where the hell did my sense of humor go? When did I start censoring myself to cracking a joke here and there rather than going for it at every opportune moment?

I know, let's blame it on my significant other. It's all his fault. If a lacking sense of humor is contagious, and I've spent enough time with him to catch any disease he may be carrying, this seems like a valid diagnosis. That bastard.

Do you think if I swab my nostrils with some Zicam I'll be funny again...or is the homeopathic stuff not strong enough for this symptom.

Hey, there's something to move us along. It's a symptom, not a disease. So if my sluggish sense of humor is a symptom, what the heck is the problem...and what's the cure?

So let's go to the whiteboard that House uses to come up with a diagnosis.


Sluggish sense of humor

Okay, so House usually just has one symptom on the board to start with. If you fast forward on the DVR, you'll get to some other symptoms. Let's FF.

Insert White Board Here


Sluggish sense of humor
Annoyed easily
Poor eating

Hmmmm, seems to me like House would now diagnose me with depression or some kind of personality disorder. That is, until I started puking blood and sweating from my toenails.

OMG, I have a rash! There's something really going on here...back to the whiteboard!


Sluggish sense of humor
Annoyed easily
Poor eating
Rash on belly

Crap, just remembered...I ran out of my fragrance free fabric softener last week and had to do a load with the pretty smelling stuff.

Cross out "rash on belly." Wish I knew HTML for cross outs.


Sluggish sense of humor
Annoyed easily
Poor eating
Rash on belly

G-d I love Google!

Anyway, since Gayle's 70% effaced and her cervix is as open as a fingertip, and I want to get there in time for the delivery of my goddaughter, I'll FF to the end of this episode of House.

It's a personality disorder, in the end. But my significant other's. His personality is draining me of my joy and and my sense of humor. I really have it in me to be funny, and it's about time for me to come back to me and not relying on his attitude towards me to determine my own happiness.

Someday soon, I'm going to be really happy again...and he will have missed the chance to have my contagiousness spread the joy to him.

Wait, not nice to blame. Someday soon, I'm going to be really happy again...and it will be a result of my choosing happiness despite circumstances around me!