Saturday, December 09, 2006

It fits, it fits!

Nope, not a post about losing weight and my old clothes fitting again...someday we'll see that post. This one's about that square peg. Sometime between then and now, those sharp edges smoothed out and the round hole embraced the peg and locked it into place.

I'm sure you've heard that compromise is the key to any relationship. That's bullshit. Sure, you'll compromise from time to time when you can't get your way, but not EVERY TIME. That's a lose-lose situation. Nobody gets what they want. Ideally, there's a synergy where you both want exactly the same things, and then it's win-win...everybody gets what they want. But there will be times where you will allow the other person to win. Just remember that each person needs a turn at winning.

Does this necessarily mean someone loses if the other person wins when you don't want the same things? In my case, it didn't. His letting me win was the catalyst for his turn to win and in turn a catalyst for my win again and it became a wonderful cycle.

In one or two areas, we definitely did not see eye to eye. He told me that I needed to compromise. I told him that when we're sitting on opposite ends of the couch, sometimes we meet in the middle, but other times I come over to his side of the couch...every now and then, he needs to come over to my side of the couch, too.

And that's what made all the difference. When he pushed himself to visit me on my side of the couch, I was so happy to see him there that I followed him back to his side. And his seeing me on his side made him so happy that he hopped back over to mine some more...before we knew it, we no longer had to visit each other on opposite sides. We found our synergy.

So here we are today, happier than ever and planning to stay that way for a long, long time to come. The moral of the story......we'll all get along much better if I just get my way.

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