Monday, August 28, 2006

HeartWords Daily Digest

I stare at the screen knowing I need to write, but the words just don't come. I listen to friends talk and express emotion and can't put my own into words. It's a lonely thought believing that no one could possibly get you, but how could they when you can't convey what's going on inside your brain?

You may read this and think this is about pain. Sometimes, it is. And other times it's annoyance or frustration or anger or insolence. There's more - it's not just what hurts, but what feels good, too. Like the bursting blast of energy I get when something exciting has happened. I can't even speak as fast as the thoughts fly through my head. Or when I'm feeling that awe-filled sense of where I am - seeing another day, being mommy, enjoying a girls night out - when you can step away from the moment to appreciate the true value.

That's what's so great about writing. It's as simple as putting those thoughts down as they come. You can skip a sentence or two and come back or just keep typing those ramblings without censorship and go back later to edit and re-edit. The paper or laptop won't look at you with stares of confusion or start asking questions or giving advice or opinions when you really just need to express yourself. And you can review your writing and realize what you've left out instead of having to go over and over again when your audience doesn't know what the heck you're talking about because somehow in your exciting rant, sentences have failed to leave your brain through your mouth.

I may just be confusing you now, but it's good to feel my fingers moving over the keyboard, trying to catch up to the racing thoughts. It's funny that the blank screen so quickly fills when one thought leads to the next. And just think, this all started because I got my HeartWords daily digest reminding me that I need to participate.

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